Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Manifesto

You don’t know where someone’s going until you get where they’re coming from. Time to spill the beans on the table.

I believe Rasheed Wallace is the most annoying figure in pro-sports today.
I believe Lance Armstrong is the most significant figure in pro-sports today.

I believe adults who are emotionally involved in the storylines of professional wrestling or soap operas are scary.

I believe that if Christians did a better job of representing, more people would be followers of Jesus.
I believe more people should be followers of Jesus

I believe panhandlers provide a service to many people.
I believe there are better recipients of charity than panhandlers.

I believe guilt is the lazy man’s means of motivation.

I believe consistency is underrated

I believe no country can accurately claim to be the best country on earth.

I believe that if I was ever a public figure, I’d sound a lot like Bono.

I believe the world is a dangerous place.
I believe I want to see the whole world.

I believe Martin Luthur King Jr. effectively dismissed the myth that faith shouldn’t impact the decisions of a nation.
I believe there should be a US national holiday is his honour.

I believe Ronald Reagan will have been the best US President of my lifetime.
I believe John F. Kennedy could have been a better President than Reagan.

I believe all of the major flaws with Canada can be traced back to Trudeau’s legacy.
I believe Canada’s financial health is a result of free trade and the GST

I believe the family is the cornerstone of society, to be protected at all costs

I believe America represents the best and worst the world has to offer.

I believe oil is a curse to the Arab people

I believe healthy relationships are God’s plan for our enjoyment of life

I believe many people feel a fanatical faith in the supernatural is naïve
I believe that a lack of belief in the supernatural is naïve

I believe Brit pop is the coolest music hitting the charts these days
I believe Ultimate is the coolest new sport these days

I believe man’s biggest downfall is focus on self
I believe I’m pretty darn self-focused

I’ve said enough. Your turn to comment.
